Hello—I have a new short story published today called “Foxes or Red Foxes”
You can read it here if you like.
Here is a fantastic painting by the artist Scott Michael Ackerman. Regulation Books/R&R. Magazine paired up “Foxes or Red Foxes” with this painting and I love it so much. And here is the link to Scott’s website. Check his work out.
Other than that, what have I been up to? Oh wow, what a question. I’ve been working hard on my next novel, and mostly by working hard, I mean, I been THINKING about it a lot while floating around on a raft in my sister-in-laws’s heated pool. I just think about it and think about it and then all a sudden when I’m looking up at the clouds I go, ahhh, yeah, that’s how I’ll solve that problem/scene. I’ve been through all of this before: work on a novel for a few years and then switch into this gear when it comes time to imagine it’s anywhere close to being a ‘publishable and readable’ object. Sometimes it takes a long time for me to do work I’m proud of but I always tell myself something like this: Well, this is the last I’ll ever have to say on THIS subject.
Thanks for reading my work,
Much respect to you
Bud Smith
And then there’s Redd Foxx.