love this story. love love

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Congrats on the publication! Excited to read :)

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You never cease to amaze. I first heard your work on NPR's "Selected Shorts" and it took my breath away. I've since gobbled up everything of yours I can get my hands on. The only holdouts are the out of prints ones that are too costly for me. I hope that they will be reprinted someday soon. Yours is a singular voice.

Thank you,


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Fist I read Margaret Lewis and I loved that, it made me get all choked up (tho I've been told I'm a 'light touch' when it comes to readin' and cryin', so...take this for what it may be worth.).

Then I read F-250 and it really brought me back to my 20s, yikes. But I dug it, especially--I love books that detail jobs--some of the masonry stuff. In general I walk around pissed off that there are not enough manual labor/trades/this-is-how-the-world-REALLY-works jobs portrayed in modern lit. So when I get the money I'll buy more novels of yrs. I'm broke af with two jobs but then again one payday is in a couple of days and sometimes I get a little crazy with the budget and buy a fucking book. Whoa, par-ty.

I just copy-pasted Leopold bc I hate to read on a screen. Thanks for posting here and letting us know where to get more for free.

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Read Leopold when the mag came out. Just really loved it.

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